DHI Hair


Everything you need to know about the DHI hair transplant method.

Hair loss, which is one of the biggest problems suffered by men in the world nowadays, can be solved permanently by hair transplantation. DHI hair transplantation method is one of the methods that can be used in this procedure.

The DHI “Direct Hair Implantation” method means direct hair transplantation.

What is the DHI method in hair transplantation?

DHI hair transplant method is a hair transplant method in which follicles are collected using a special medical pen called Choi, and then the follicles are transplanted to the desired recipient area. Unlike other hair transplantation methods, it does not involve three steps, but only two steps: follicle harvesting and follicle transplantation.

What you will feel after your transplant thanks to the DHI method

  • After hair transplantation, the patient can leave the hospital the same day.
  • After a two-day rest period, you can return to your daily life. To keep the recovery process short, you must follow your doctor’s instructions.
  • If you follow the instructions given to you by your doctors, you will be able to see the final results of the implant within 12 months. After 12 months of the operation, you will be able to regain your hair.

What differences does the DHI method bring compared to other methods?

The hair transplantation process using the DHI technique consists of two steps and not three, unlike other methods. This reduces the number of treatments you need to do on your hair. Since the implant is directly grafted into the recipient area without the need to open channels in the head.

These are the differences between DHI hair transplantation and other hair transplantation techniques. Since no procedures are performed to open the channels, the patient recovers more quickly.

How is the DHI hair transplant procedure with Bircan Saydam carried out?

  1. Your suitability for treatment is assessed by our experts.
  2. Once the day of the procedure is decided, the instructions that the patient must follow before the operation are explained in detail.
  3. Your blood tests will be done after you are admitted to the hospital on the day of surgery. If there are no problems during preparation, in this case you should start preparing for the procedure.
  4. Your forehead line and donor area are planned by our experts. Once your planning is complete, your hair will be shaved in the preparation room.
  5. The operation begins with local anesthesia on the donor area by the anesthetic technician, and the roots are removed from it to begin the extraction process.
  6. After picking, the scions (roots) taken for planting are preserved in special solutions and counted.
  7. The transplant area is anesthetized under local anesthesia by the anesthetic technician.
  8. The transplantation process is carried out directly in the donor area (baldness area) using a medical pen called Choi, taking into account the number, angle of orientation of natural hair growth.
  9. After the operation, the patient is treated with antibiotics and painkillers.
  10. The day after the procedure, the bandages and dressings are removed.
  11. Your first rinse is carried out by our specialist at the hospital. All instructions to follow are given to the patient during rinsing.
  12. The washing method should be continued as directed, once a day, until the seventh day of operation.

With the DHI hair transplant technique, you can restore your lost hair. Thanks to the Bircan Saydam team, experts in hair transplantation with DHI technology, you will be able to restore your old hair leaving yourself in the hands of experience and technology.