What is
Sapphire FUE
Sapphire FUE is an advanced hair transplantation method in which the traditional FUE procedure is performed using needles tipped with sapphire, a very precious mineral. Ruby tip needles are used during the channel opening phase of hair transplantation.
The aim of FUE Saphir hair transplantation is to reduce scab formation and shorten healing time by opening smaller micro-channels in the area where the hair follicles will be transplanted. Ce qu’il faut savoir sur la greffe de cheveux FUE :
- • Extraction of hair follicles: The hair follicles taken with special punches using a small motor are implanted into the channels which will be opened by the FUE method.
- • The method of opening these channels is the primary factor that affects the appearance, angle, direction and density of the hair. For this reason, opening these channels is the most important part in hair transplantation and must be carried out with great care.
- • This is where the use of rubies comes in. The channel openings, the most important step for the hair to achieve a natural appearance in the future, are opened using ruby-tipped needles.
- • Sharp, smooth and sturdy 1-1.5mm sapphire tips open channels with the same diameter as the hairline. For this reason, this method is considered one of the most important.
- A sapphire tip that has been used once cannot be used again for another patient. A separate sapphire tip is used for each patient. In this way, the quality of service is improved while guaranteeing the safety of our patients.
How is the FUE hair transplant procedure carried out at the Bircan Saydam Center?
- Your suitability for the operation is assessed by our experts.
- After determining the day of the procedure, the instructions that the patient must follow before the operation are explained in detail.
- Your blood tests will be carried out after your admission to the hospital on the day of the procedure. If there are no obstacles, the patient’s preparation for the operation begins.
- Your frontal hairline will be determined by our experts. Once planning is complete, your hair will be shaved in the preparation room.
- The operation begins with the application of local anesthesia by the anesthetic technician. The donor area from which the roots will be taken is anesthetized and the process of extracting the grafts begins.
- After picking, the scions (roots) taken for planting are preserved in special solutions and counted.
- The transplant area is anesthetized under local anesthesia by the anesthetic technician.
- Your hair is transplanted by opening ruby-tipped channels in the area where the hair will be transplanted.
- After the operation, the patient is treated with antibiotics and painkillers.
- The day after the operation, the dressings will be removed in the hospital.
- Your first hair rinse is carried out by our specialist at the hospital. All instructions are given to the patient during rinsing.
- The washing method should be continued as directed, once a day, until the seventh day of operation.
At Clinique Dr. Bircan Saydam, our patients and their procedures are treated with carefully.
After FUE Saphir hair transplantation, your new hair will start growing in about 6 months from the operation. After 12 months you can start to see the final result of this intervention. Contact us for more information about Saphir hair transplantation.