What is

FUE Hair


Hair loss is one of the biggest problems among men today. Performing a hair transplant is the most effective decision to put an end to this problem. Among the hair transplant techniques, FUE is the most popular. Both people who suffer from hair problems and health establishments that perform hair transplant operations often prefer this technology, which presents a high quality-price ratio.

What is the FUE method?

FUE is one of the hair transplantation methods where the grafts are transplanted one by one to the desired area of the head, without any surgery or removal of part of the skin of the head. 

How does FUE hair transplantation take place?

  • Hair follicles with a thickness of 0.6 to 0.7 mm are usually collected from the neck region of the patient. These roots are pierced with a surgical tool called a “punch”.
  • Hair follicles taken from the donor area are implanted under local anesthesia by opening micro-channels with a special surgical pen or sapphire tip in the balding areas.

What will you live after an FUE transplant?

  • After hair transplantation, the hair follicles fall out first and then start to grow back stronger.
  • Micro-wounds in the donor areas where root harvesting is carried out, generally heal within 48 hours.
  • If you follow the instructions given by our experts after the operation; After hair transplantation, you can resume your professional life on the third day and your normal life on the seventh day. There is a one-week recovery period.

How does the FUE hair transplant technique process work at Dr. Bircan Saydam?

  1. Your suitability for treatment is assessed by our experts.
  2. Once the day of the procedure is decided, the instructions that the patient must follow before the operation are explained in detail.
  3. Your blood tests will be done after you are admitted to the hospital on the day of surgery. If there are no problems during preparation, in this case you should start preparing for the procedure.
  4. Your frontal hairlines are determined by our experts. Once planning is complete, your hair will be shaved in the preparation room.
  5. The operation begins with local anesthesia on the donor area by the anesthetic technician, and the roots are removed from it to begin the extraction process.
  6. After picking, the scions (roots) taken for planting are preserved in special solutions and counted.
  7. The transplant area is anesthetized under local anesthesia by the anesthetic technician.
  8. During hair transplantation operation, the area to be transplanted is prepared by opening channels with sapphire tips where your hair will be implanted with Choi pens.
  9. After the operation, the patient is treated with antibiotics and painkillers.
  10. The day after the procedure, the bandages and dressings are removed.
  11. Your first rinse is carried out by our specialist at the hospital. All instructions to follow are given to the patient during rinsing.

12. The washing method should be continued as directed, once a day, until the seventh day of operation.

Once the FUE hair transplant method is applied, the risk of postoperative complications is almost less than 1%.

You will start to get your hair back in 3-4 months. You will start to see final results within 12 months.

Do not forget! Hair transplanted with the FUE technique will no longer fall out.